We love our advertisers! These smart companies and orgranizations recognize the value of supporting local artists and receiving community recognition. We would like to thank the companies and individuals that advertised in the Marin Summer Theater 2013 Audience Program.
We love our advertisers. These smart companies and orgranizations recognize the value of supporting local artists and receiving community recognition. We would like to thank the companies and individuals that advertised in the Marin Summer Theater 2012 Audience Program.
Warren Security | www.warrensecurity.com |
ITG Worldwide Insurance | www.itgworldwide.com |
Sylvia Barry, Realtor, MAS, ePRO | www.SylviaBarryRE.com |
tutor doctor | www.TutoringInTheBayArea.com |
Powell's Sweet Shop | www.powellsss.com |
Novato Theater | www.novatotheater.net |
Certified Employement Group | www.certifiedemployment.com |
The Magic Flute | www.themagicflute.com |
Sugarman Vocal Studio | www.ardensugarman.com |
Scotty's Market | |
Peter Fulchiron, CLU | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Soroptimist International of Novato | www.soropnovato.org |
Novato Massage and Wellness Center | www.novatomassageandwellnesscenter.com |
Novato Theater | www.novatotheater.net |
Bertolli's Auto Body | www.bertollis.com |
Novato Patch | www.novato.patch.com |
Donna Cerio's Broadway Dance Class | www.DonnaCeriosBroadwayDanceClass.com |
The Frankie Poulos Foundation | www.frankiepoulos.org |
The Book Place | www.marinlibraryfriends.marin.com |
Carl Oser Music | www.CarlOserMusic.com |
RPM Mortage | www.rpm-mtg.com |
Linda Semorile Hair Design | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Marin Autotrans | |
Celest W. Moye, CPA | celestecpa.net |
A Child's Delight! | www.achildsdelight.blogspot.com |
Ross Goldsmith | |
The Edelson / Madory Family | |
Quality Property Management | www.qpmsac.com |
K&C Investments, Inc. | www.kandcinvestments.com |
To place an ad in future programs, click here.
We would like to thank the companies and individuals that advertised in the Marin Summer Theater 2011 Audience Program.
Warren Security | www.warrensecurity.com |
ITG Worldwide Insurance | www.itgworldwide.com |
Sylvia Barry, Realtor, MAS, ePRO | www.SylviaBarryRE.com |
School Fuel | www.novatoschoolfuel.org |
Marin / Novato YMCA | www.ymcasf.org/Novato |
Powell's Sweet Shop | www.powellsss.com |
Novato Theater | www.novatotheater.net |
Thomas "Pat" Collins, D.D.S. | www.CollinsDentist.com |
Certified Employement Group | www.certifiedemployment.com |
Novato Pilates and Gyrotonic | www.novatopilates.com |
The Magic Flute | www.themagicflute.com |
Sugarman Vocal Studio | www.ardensugarman.com |
Novato Massage and Wellness Center | /www.novatomassageandwellnesscenter.com |
Novato Patch | www.novato.patch.com |
The Gasparini Family | |
KillerSeats.com | www.KillerSeats.com |
Lemongrass Spa Products | www.LemongrassSpa.com |
The Frankie Poulos Foundation | www.frankiepoulos.org |
Toast | www.toastnovato.com |
Barbara's Room Rehab | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Finnegan's | www.finnegansmarin.com |
Dennis Hagerty / State Farm | www.dhagerty.com |
A Child's Delight! | www.achildsdelight.blogspot.com |
Anello Painting | www.anellopainting.com/ |
The Edelson / Madory Family | |
Rick A. Chelemedos D.D.S. | www.facebook.com/pages/Rick-A-Chelemedos-DDS |
What Would Walt Do? | www.whatwouldwaltdo.com |
Quality Property Management | www.qpmsac.com |
K&C Investments, Inc. | www.kandcinvestments.com |
To place an ad in future programs, click here.
We would like to thank the companies and individuals that advertised in the Marin Summer Theater 2010 Audience Program.
ITG Worldwide Insurance | www.itgworldwide.com | |
Sylvia Barry, Realtor, MAS, ePRO | www.SylviaBarryRE.com | |
Warren Glass | www.warrensecurity.com | |
School Fuel | www.novatoschoolfuel.org | |
Dentistry By Design | www.DentistryByDesignOfMarin.com. | |
Rolling Hills Club | www.rollinghillsclubmarin.com | |
Stuart Lehman-Brown | www.kristuphil.com/stu | |
Sugarman Vocal Studio | www.ardensugarman.com | |
Traktman Law Office | www.traklawoffice.com | |
Bertolli's Auto Body | www.bertollis.com | |
RPM Mortgage | www.rpm-mtg.com | |
Ross Goldsmith | (415) 458-1770 | |
Ketron Financial, LLC | www.KetronFinancial.com | |
ItaliAmore | www.italiamore.com | |
The Sutton-Beattie Family | ||
John Boyajy | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
VMI architecture | www.vmarch.com | |
Edward Jones | www.edwardjones.com | |
Anixter & Oser, Inc. | www.properlyinsured.com | |
Kim R. Kulp, RD | www.healthtastesgreat.com | |
Susan Adler Photography | www.susanadler.com | |
Soroptimist International of Novato. | www.soropnovato.org |
To place an ad in future programs, click here.
Marin Summer Theater (MST) is an award winning non-profit theater company for students of performing arts between the ages of 13 and 23. The MST company prepares and presents three fully-staged productions in a six-week summer season. MST's mission is threefold: To present exciting, professional quality drama, musical theater and musical revue productions; to keep tuition as low as possible so that cost is not a barrier to participation; to create a diverse company of college and high school students.