Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ - The Company

Here are some frequently asked questions about the Marin Summer Theater Company.  If you still have questions, click here to contact us.

When is MST?

Marin Summer Theater 2017 General Calendar

Event Date
 Applications for Creative Team, Cast, Musicians, Tech available  January 21, 2017
Applications for Designers and Stage Managers Due March 1, 2017
 Creative Team design process begins Mid March 2017
 In Person Auditions   April 2 and April 9 at Rhythms Performing Arts Center   
 Cast, Musician, Crew applications due April 9, 2017
 Recorded Auditions due April 3, 2017
 Casting / Company Members Finalized April 17, 2017
 Company Acceptances / HS Performer Tuition Due April 30, 2017
 Principal Rehearsals begin June 18, 2017
 Ensemble Rehearsals begin June 25, 2017
 Tech Build begins June 25, 2017 (est)
 Tech Week July 15 to July 20
 Performances July 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30, 31 
 Season Strike (required for all company members) July 31, 2017
 Company Released July 31, 2017

Full Production Schedule - Starting June 18, MST meets from 5:45pm to 10pm Monday thru Thursday and 1pm to 5pm on Sundays.  The entire season runs from June 15 to July 31.  Rehearsal dates vary with each show. 


How can I submit my recorded audition?

There are several ways to send your recorded audition to us electronically and avoid the post office. - This is the easiest.  Create a free youtube account (if you don't already have one) and then upload your video.  Under privicy you should select Unlisted.  Then email the url link in sharing options to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Be sure to your full name in your email.

Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive also work great.  Just sign up for a free trial (if you don't already have an account) and then upload your file. Then right click the uploaded file and select share.  Share it with This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Copy the shared url into an email and send it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Be sure to your full name in your email. - This is also a free service that will allow you to upload and send files up to 2gb in size.

Don't forget to also upload your application or email it to us directly.

Of course, you can always use snail mail method and burn your audition recording to a DVD and mail or deliver it to Marin Summer Theater, P.O. Box 79 Woodacre, CA 94973 so that it arrvies by April  8, 2017.


What is the Audition Day Schedule?

To audition in-person,  you will sign up for an audition day, but you do not get a specific audition time. Depending on the shows you are auditioning for, you may be at auditions from 9am to 5pm on your audition day.

Each audition day has the same schedule.  You only need to come to one audition day.  Below is the schedule for each day.  



Time Audition Section
9:00am – 10:30am     Ensemble and featured dancer auditions (RENT, Anything Goes)
10:30am – 3:00pm General singing and acting auditions (Cyrano, Rent, Anything Goes)  
3:00pm – 5:00pm Principal Call-Backs (Cyrano, Rent, Anything Goes)


All shows require that you attend dance auditions at 9am and that you perform either the ensemble dance routine or the featured dancer audition. Both routines will be taught on audition day and at the pre-audition workshop. 


General singing and acting auditions for all shows begin at 10:30.  You will be allowed two one songs (no monologues this year).  You should plan on staying until at least 3pm if you are interested in an ensemble part and until 5pm if you are interested in a principal part.  At 3pm, auditionees not needed for call-backs will be released. 


Principal call-backs will be held from 3pm to 5pm on each day of auditions.  You will will be told by 3pm if you are needed for call backs.  Principal audition scripts and music will be available on the MST web site before auditions so you can prepare.


There will be frequent breaks and a lot of waiting during the day.  Bathrooms will be avialable.  We recommend that you bring water, snacks, lunch, and something to read.  If you will have an extended break you may leave and come back, at your disgression.

What if I work or take classes during the summer?

MST's schedule has been specifically designed to rehearse and perform only in the evening hours, with exception of Sunday afternoon rehearsals and matinee performances.  More than half of our company members work or attend summer session classes while participating in MST.

The MST general rehearsal schedule is:

  • Sundays - 1pm to 5pm
  • Monday thru Thursday - 5:45pm to 10:00pm

Company members have Fridays and Saturdays off, except on performance weekends.

Where is it?

Marin Summer Theater 2017 auditions will be held at Rhythms Performing Arts Center 1114 1st St, Novato, CA 94945.

MST rehearses at Rhythms Performing Arts Center.

MST will perform at Novato Theater Company 5420 Nave Drive, Suite C, Novato, CA 94949.

Who can participate?

MST is open to any student between the ages of 13 and 23 that is serious about the performing arts. 

Any applicant under the age of 18 as of January 1, 2017 who wishes to work on HEATHERS in any capacity will also be required to submit a parental consent form.


In addition, MST welcomes adult and student volunteers to help us with sets, costumes, publicity, advertising and house management!

Is there a cost?

For Performers, enrollment in the program will be subject to audition. Non-college students must also pay a tuition fee of $450.  No fee or tuition is required until after auditions are complete and the auditionee has been asked to join the company. Scholarships are available. Stipends are available for college students.

For Asst Directors, Designers, Musicians, Technicians and Crew there is no fee, however an application and interview are required.  

When are auditions?

In person auditions for performers (actors, dancers and singers) will be held by appointment on April 2 and April 9, 2017.  Video auditions may also be submitted and are required by April 9, 2017.  

Check other FAQ's for audition requirements and details.

What is MST?

Marin Summer Theater (MST) is an award-winning theater company comprised of students of the performing arts between the ages of 13 and 23. The MST Company includes student actors, singers, dancers, musicians, directors, producers, designers, technicians, and crew.

In the summer of 2017 MST will present HEATHERS, THE MUSICAL in conjuction with Novato Theater Company. 

MST is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and receives support from San Marin High School Music Boosters, San Marin High School, the Novato Unified School District, The Frankie Poulos Foundation, The County of Marin, and local business and individuals.

When will applications be available?

Applications are available now for submissionon this site.  All applications should be submitted asap and are due no later than April 9, 2017.

Click here to start your application.

When are applications due?

All applications should be submitted as soon as possible, and no later than April 9, 2017. Performers auditioning in person must submit their applications in order to get an audition date. All applications must be submitted on line via this web site.

Click here to submit an application.


Do I have to do all three shows?

No.  Applicants can specify which shows they are interested in or fit their schedule.

How do I apply if I can't attend the auditions?

Perfomers may submit a recorded audition in lieu of an in-person audition. Recorded auditions requirements for performers vary for each show:

  • One one-minute songs (All Shows)
  •  One one-minute monologue.  (All Shows)
  • A dance audition,  which will be posted on-line in early March.  (All Shows)
  • One mintue talking about yourself.
  • Principal auditions for any prinicpal parts you want to be considered for.  Principal sides will be made available on this web-site in early March.  

There are no auditions for Musicians, or Technicians / Crew.  Applicants for these positions should be submitted ASAP and no later than April 9, 2017. 

You can burn your audition recording to a DVD and mail it to Marin Summer Theater so that it arrvies by April 9, 2017, or you can use a number of free services to upload your recording and email us the link for viewing or downloading.

DVD recordings and application may be mailed to:

Marin Summer Theater
P.O. Box 79 
Woodacre, CA 94973
Check other FAQ's for options for uploading your audition.

Which shows can I do?

Applicants can choose to audition or apply for one or two shows.  Rehearsals and tech are scheduled so that students can participate in as many shows as possible.  Most company members work on two shows.  For performers, the tuition fee will remain $450 regardless of the number of shows a student is cast in.

Any applicant under the age of 18 as of January 1, 2017 who wishes to work on HEATHERS, THE MUSICAL  in any capacity will also be required to submit a parental consent form.

What are the audition requirements?

Audition requirements for performers vary for each show and for In-Person vs Recorded Auditions:

In-Person Audition Requirements

Show Requirement
 All  Resume of any previous theater or performing experience (Submitted with your application or emailed no later than one week before audition)
 All  Ensemble or featured dancer audition.
 All  One one-minute song (not from a show MST is producing this year)
 All  One one-minute monologue (not from a show MST is producing this year)
 All     Principal audition side (if any)

Recorded Audition Requirements 

Show Requirement
 All  One minute of you talking about yourself
 All  Resume of any previous theater or performing experience (submitted with your application or emailed before April 4, 2015)
 All  Ensemble, featured dancer audition or both.
 All         One one-minute song (not from a show MST is producing this year)
 All  One one-minute monologue (not from a show MST is producing this year)
 All     Principal Audition Sides (if any)



If you have a photo or headshot, please attach it to your resume (as page two). This is not requried, but it helps us.  It does not need to be a professional photo. A well-lit recent candid of you smiling and happy from your shoulders to the top of your head will be great. Don't try to be a model or artsy. We just want to know you.


There are no auditions for Musicians, or Technicians / Crew.  Applicants for these positions should be submited asap and no later than April 9, 2017

When are rehearsals?

Marin Summer Theater meets from 5:45pm to 10pm Monday thru Thursday and 1pm to 5pm on Sundays.  The entire season runs from June 18 to July 31, 2017.  

The detailed schedule for is below:

Show Important Dates Performance Dates

Auditions: April 2 and 9

Design: March to June

Build: June 25 to July 14

Principal Rehearsals: June 18 to July 20

Ensemble Rehearsals: June 25 to July 20

Tech Week - July 15 to July 20

July 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30, 31
SEASON STRIKE (Required) July 31  




Do I need a photo / headshot?

If you are applying as a performer and you have a photo or headshot, please attach it to your resume (as page two).  This is not requried.  If you are doing an in-person audition because we'll be taking your photo on your audition day.  It does not need to be a professional photo. A well-lit recent candid of you smiling and happy from your shoulders to the top of your head will be great.  Don't try to be a model or artsy.  We just want to know you.  


Click below to download a sample resume form you can fill out and send to us.  

MST 2017 Resume.pdf
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How do I get an audition time?

You don't.  You sign up for an audition day, but you do not get a specific audition time. Depending on the shows you are auditioning for, you may be at auditions from 9am to 5pm on your audition day.

Each audition day has the same schedule.  You only need to come to one audition day.  

Click here to see the aduition day schedule.

Can I audition for just one show?

Yes.  But we are casting a theater company and we want to see our performers in more than one show. If you can only do one show, you should still audition for that show.  But unless you have a conflict, we want to consider you for every show, even if you don't think the other shows are right for you.

How do I audition for a lead role?

If you are interested in a lead ("principal") role in one of the shows, you will prepare a standard audition and you will also prepare a principal audition.  A principal audition side is a specific song and/or monologue ("side") that we may ask you to preform during call-backs if we want to see how you do in that part.

After you have performed your standard audition, we will tell you if we want you to stay for call-backs and which principal audition sides we would like to see you do.  We may ask you to do more than one.  

Principal audition sides can be downloaded from the MST web site in late January or early February.  We will email all applicants once sides are available. 

You can prepare for as many different principal parts as you like.  In the interests of time, you can only present the principal auditions we request.  

What should be on my resume?

Your resume should be a single page PDF (8.5x11) document that has your name and contact info.  If you are a performer, you should also include your age, height and hair color.  Then make a list of your experience with the most recent items first.  The list should include:

  • The year
  • The role you played or job title
  • The name of the show or event
  • The group or school that produced the event
  • The name of your director or supervisor

At the bottom list any special skills, training or awards you've received.  These might include dialects, acro or circus skills, languages, musical instruments, equipement and / or safety training or what ever else we might find valuable and unique.

Also include at least one reference (two is better). The reference should be a person that can answer questions about your theater skills and what it is like to work with you.  A non-family member is best, but use what you have. Teachers (current and past) are often willing to be references. Ask permisssion from the reference before you put down their name, and list their email and phone number. We will contact them if we want to know more about you.  

If you have more than one page of stuff to list - don't.  Only list the most recent or important and stop at one page.  

Performers - If you have a photo or headshot, please attach it to your resume (as page two).  This is not requried if you are doing an inperson audition because we'll be taking your photo on your audition day.

Click below to download a sample resume form you can fill out and send to us.  

MST 2016 Resume.pdf
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How do I audition or apply?

Click here for details about how to audition or apply for the MST company:


Audition / Application Information

What if I have to miss some rehearsals?

If you are a performer and you would have to miss rehearsals for a show, you should not audition for that show.  Most shows only get 15 rehearsals before they go into tech, so missing even one rehearsal is a big deal and a burden to everyone else in the show.

Can I Volunteer?

Yes!  We would love to have your help building sets, pulling costumes, sewing, taking tickets, selling ads and more.  Click here to sign up to volunteer and we'll find a job for you that fits your skills and your schedule.   

How do I apply for a scholarship?

To apply for a scholarship, you only have to check Yes on the "I would like to apply for a scholarship" line of the MST Company application.  No additional information is needed until after company invitations are issued. 

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About Marin Summer Theater

Marin Summer Theater (MST) is an award winning non-profit theater company for students of performing arts between the ages of 13 and 23. The MST company prepares and presents three fully-staged productions in a six-week summer season. MST's mission is threefold: To present exciting, professional quality drama, musical theater and musical revue productions; to keep tuition as low as possible so that cost is not a barrier to participation; to create a diverse company of college and high school students.

Frequently Asked Questions

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