After nine years, twenty-nine productions, and fifty-five awards, Marin Summer Theater is giving the creative team the summer off, so there will be no MST productions in 2018. We look forward to making insanely great theatre with you, and for you in the future!
At MST, we tell great stories. For eight years, our company of ridiculously talented young performers, technicians and musicians have put their heart and sole into creating magic on stage. And now you can be a part of the story. Our goal is to raise $6,000 during our Facebook Fundraiser. Please help us.
Be part of the story, give to MST today. |
RENT, CYRANO DE BERGERAC, and ANYTHING GOES. 2014 presented three different views of love and three very different manifestos for living. It was a beautiful season, and very romantic. Enjoy this flashback and if it makes you smile or cry, donate $10 so you can be a continuing part of the story.
At MST, we tell great stories. For eight years, our company of ridiculously talented young performers, technicians and musicians have put their heart and sole into creating magic on stage. And now you can be a part of the story. Our goal is to raise $6,000 during our Facebook Fundraiser. Please help us.
Be part of the story, give to MST today. |
If everyone that liked the 2013 MST season of GYPSY, ALMOST MAINE and LES MISERABLES gives $10 today, the 2017 season will be guaranteed and we can end the MST Fundraiser immediately! It's a win-win. Click the link and do it!
2013 was an epic year, and it was all about the storytelling. Building on 2012, the vision and the risk taking expanded, and it paid off. The largest MST company to date, the most performances. Five National Youth Arts (NYA) awards and seven 2013 Broadway World SF Awards including Best Actor and / Actress awards for all three shows.
Our guest director Nancy Carlin and dream team of set designers (David Prothero, Leah Cohen, Alisha Ramos, Margaret Buss), costumers (Marina Nims, Jane Savage, Natalie Oga), lighting designers (Alisha Ramos, Leah Cohen), and sound designers (Jonathan Pickett, Simon Eves) delighted audiences and redefined MST's look.
At MST, we tell great stories. For eight years, our company of ridiculously talented young performers, technicians and musicians have put their heart and sole into creating magic on stage. And now you can be a part of the story. Our goal is to raise $6,000 during our Facebook Fundraiser. Please help us.
Be part of the story, give to MST today. |
Marin Summer Theater (MST) is an award winning non-profit theater company for students of performing arts between the ages of 13 and 23. The MST company prepares and presents three fully-staged productions in a six-week summer season. MST's mission is threefold: To present exciting, professional quality drama, musical theater and musical revue productions; to keep tuition as low as possible so that cost is not a barrier to participation; to create a diverse company of college and high school students.